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发布时间:2017-05-01  点击率:0



  1. 法学院硕士研究生以英文撰写毕业论文的,须在开题报告阶段征得指导教师的同意,在开题报告中明确写明“论文将以英文完成”,报送学院。
  2. 凡硕士在读期间(含赴海外交流、交换或攻读学位期间)为结课、结业或毕业已经提交或发表的英文论文,不得作为本学位要求的毕业论文。违者将不得参加毕业论文答辩
  3. 以英文完成的硕士毕业论文,论文字数不少于20,000字,且原则上不超过30,000字。除英文封面、英文内容摘要、英文关键词、英文正文和英文参考文献外,应有中文封面、中文原创性声明、中文版权使用授权书、中文摘要和中文关键词。其中,英文摘要应不少于1000字,中文摘要应不少于3000字,英文关键词和中文关键词应一一对应。论文参照中文毕业论文各部分顺序打印装订。
  4. 以英文完成的硕士毕业论文,应同等适用《对外经济贸易大学学位论文学不端行为检测处理办法(试行)》(以下简称《处理办法》)。对英文毕业论文的双盲评审和相似度检测的处理,按照《处理办法》第二章第五条执行。
  5. 学院应组织专业外语能力强的老师组成专门答辩组,针对英文毕业论文开展评阅和答辩工作
  6. 以英文完成的硕士毕业论文,应遵守下列特定格式要求,其他未尽事宜则依照《写作规范》执行。



  1. Font and point size:
    1. The font of the text shall be Times New Roman with a point size of 12.
    2. The font of each title shall be Times New Roman with a point size of 14, in bold.
  2. Spacing:
    1. The text of the thesis should be 1.25 spaced.
    2. Long quotations, footnotes, appendices, bibliographies, and/or references shall be single-spaced, as required by the applicable style.
  3. Use of materials copyrighted by others:
    1. Any material included that goes beyond “fair use” requires written permission of the copyright owner.
    2. Permissions shall be included in the thesis as an appendix.
  4. Footnotes, endnotes, citation forms, and references:
    1. Footnotes rather than endnotes should be utilized, unless the Law School requests otherwise.
    2. Legal citations to U.S. law materials should conform to the then-current edition of The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation(for a brief introduction, see appendix).
    3. Legal citations to foreign law materials may conform either to the citation method that prevails in the legal system from which the foreign legal material comes or to the then-current edition of The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation(for a brief introduction, see appendix).
    4. All other citations may conform either to the then-current edition of The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation or to a citation (for a brief introduction, see appendix), bibliographic, or reference style that prevails in a field in which the thesis overlaps, by virtue of topic or research methodology.
  5. Photographs and graphics:
    1. Photographs and graphics in the thesis should be printed or photocopied directly on the paper as high quality images.
    2. Scanned images must print clearly.
    3. If color must be used, only color laser or color photocopy printing is acceptable.
  6. Legal name:

It is recommended that you use your full legal name on the abstract, the title page, and the copyright page (if appropriate). These pages must be formatted accordingly. Please make certain that your name and title appear exactly the same way in all places.






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